
Local Festivities

Local Festivities

L'última setmana d'agost se celebren les Festes Patronals en honor a la Verge del Rosari, Sant Francesc d'Assís i el Crist dels Afligits i les Festes de Moros i Cristians. Les Festes Patronals daten del segle XIX, en Honor al Crist dels Afligits, la Verge del Roser i...

El Otero Farm

El Otero Farm

Adress: Calle Atalaia, 60, 03569 Aigües, Alicante Phone Number:  608 334 615  –  965 690 193 Email: Web More Information: Welcome to Bed and Breakfast Finca El Otero. We are situated on the hillside overlooking the small town of Aigues with...

Village House El Agrimensor

Village House El Agrimensor

Adress: Calle Collado, 1, 03569 Aigües, AlicantePhone Number: 965 690 215 – 609 152 271 Email: Web More information: Townhouse located next to the Plaza Mayor, was built in 1850 and has been restored preserving its original structure and the...

Posada Rural La Venteta

Posada Rural La Venteta

Adress:  Carrer la Venteta, 67 03569 Aigües Phone Number: 965 69 02 15 – 609 152 271 Email: WebMore information:   Location at map

La Font House

La Font House

Adress: Carrer la Font, 15, 03569 Aigües, AlicanteTel: 679 51 99 77 –  630 54 83 27 Email: Web More information: Casa La Font is a rustic village house built in 1850. A house with a lot of history located in the center of the village, completely...

School of Semana Santa

Desde el Ayuntamiento de Aigües queremos informar que la empresa Imagina Esencia nos ha From Aigües City Hall we want to inform you that the company Imagina Esencia has offered us the possibility of carrying out a School of Easter on 18, 19, 20 and 21 April. The...

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