Sierra de Cabeçó d´Or

Sierra de Cabeçó d´Or

Sierra de Cabeçó d´Or

From the interior of the region of Alacant, the “Sierra del Cabeçó d’Or” extends from north to south in an attempt to approach the sea. Its western slope is an impressive succession of rocky walls and canvases that give the landscape a mineral character.

The term “Cabezón de Oro” is a Castilian phonetic transliteration of the term in Valencian Cabeçó d’Or. In spite of what would literally indicate its name or the old gold mine that existed in the place, the word “Or” does not make reference to the gold mineral, but to the water. In fact, in the time of the Al-Andalus the Arabs kept the word Iberian “Ur” to denominate this mountain range, that means “Water”.

After the conquest and Christian repopulation, it was transliterated phonetically (and not semantically) to the Valencian “Or” and to the Castilian “Oro”. Thus, “Cabeçó d’Or” would come to mean something similar to “Cabezo de Aguas”.

There is a local popular legend, probably of Mudéjar origin, in which the intelligence of the Christian conquerors is ridiculed because they believe that there is gold in the place, when in fact it is water.

The combination of natural vegetation, water and temperature make this place a suitable place for rest, as it is said in a popular saying, Aigües without a doctor, no pharmacy is named here, its airs and its waters and its Pines its shadow.

Local Festivities

Local Festivities

Local Festivities

L’última setmana d’agost se celebren les Festes Patronals en honor a la Verge del Rosari, Sant Francesc d’Assís i el Crist dels Afligits i les Festes de Moros i Cristians.

Les Festes Patronals daten del segle XIX, en Honor al Crist dels Afligits, la Verge del Roser i Sant Francesc d’Assís. És a partir de 1980 quan es celebren les Festes de Moros i Cristians, coincidint amb les patronals.

Un dels elements més destacats és la desfilada, l’estructura en comparses diferents que fan la seva entrada, és una còpia de l’estructura militar que mantenien les milícies provincials o exèrcits de reserva que participaven en la festa a la fi del segle XVI. També destaquen les ambaixades, acompanyades de les guerrilles i alardos que és on intervé la arcabusseria.

El Otero Farm

El Otero Farm

El Otero Farm

Phone Number:  608 334 615  –  965 690 193
More Information:

Welcome to Bed and Breakfast Finca El Otero. We are situated on the hillside overlooking the small town of Aigues with beautiful sea and landscape views. Our setting is perfect for cycling and mountain walking and good access to the Costa Blanca for day excursions.

We have two superior double rooms, three standard double rooms and one family suite. The house and property is spacious with a beautiful garden and swimming pool. Your rest is important to us so at Finca El Otero we offer peace and quiet, rest, solitude and time to read and relax. The breakfast are delicious and dinner is available on request.

For much of the year, the climate is perfect for sunbathing and enjoying the pool or the nearby beaches. The fireplaces guarantee warmth in winter offering memorable and cozy moments.

Our motto is ‘Feeling at ease, feel’s like home’. We look forward to welcoming you.


Location at map

El Otero

Village House El Agrimensor

Village House El Agrimensor

Village House El Agrimensor

Phone Number: 965 690 215 – 609 152 271

More information:

Townhouse located next to the Plaza Mayor, was built in 1850 and has been restored preserving its original structure and the homely sweetness of the town houses, where daily life unfolded around the kitchen.

The restoration has been run by the Lou & Hernández interior design studio with its very personal mixtures and details of the refined French countryside, winks to the culture of the East and a very Mediterranean flavor with its light and colors.

Due to its privileged geographical location, you can enjoy both the mountains and the sea, with a unique climate where always, both in summer and winter, you want to stroll through its streets and terraces, or sit in front of the fireplace and enjoy a Pleasant conversation or reading a good book or recovering the taste for life in the town square as a meeting place, those simple but insurmountable pleasures that evoke the most endearing moments of life.

Location at map

La Font House

La Font House

La Font House

Tel: 679 51 99 77 –  630 54 83 27

More information:

Casa La Font is a rustic village house built in 1850. A house with a lot of history located in the center of the village, completely restored respecting the old construction with high ceilings, beams and wide wooden staircase. The house has a living room with fireplace and living room. With capacity for 6 people, the house has three rooms distributed in different heights, each with private terrace and magnificent views of the mountains of Alicante. Three full bathrooms. Fully equipped kitchen with access to a barbecue and outside terrace.

Feel like at home and enjoy the quality of life of a small town of Alicante mountain just 10 minutes from the sea.

Location at map